Ill Dog
The next assignment is to recreate the dog that you see at the left. The idea is that you learn to use shape and a few other tools to make an image. It shouldn't be to hard to make the dog, but the challenge is to make the dog exactly like the original. To get the highest possible grade, draw the dog on a new layer, zoom in, and line the image up as well as you can to the original. Also make sure that you use the exact same colors too.
With this assignment, I will demonstrate opening the file, setting up layers and that's about it. The plan is for you to read the handout and learn the process on your own. Sometimes with new technology, you just have to read the directions (I don't like reading them either, but inevitably, there are times that I have to). If you get stuck and needs some help after reading the handout and trying it on your own, let me know and I will help you. One trick for checking alignment is to keep the original layer visible and flip between visible and hidden on layer two. As you hide your image and bring it back again you will often see the areas that it doesn't match the original. If this doesn't make sense, let me know and I will show you what I mean. The videos below will help with some of the trickier parts of the project. Take a look at them as needed! |